DOWNLOAD/Dutvutan's video: I decided to actually check the v0.12 build of Dutvutan's ..err "work". Quite impressive, I must say! The models are quite highly detailed, have their own controls. The only thing that can get in the way is the very sensitive physics, but I'll just keep in mind that it was intended. WARNING: After 16 mins it's purely (boring) exploration, so the 1st 15 mins are the juice of the video. Here's a list of notable moments: 00:00 Checking out the models 01:15 Checking out Duorotter Vagabond Y7 05:50 This is kind of a bug I discovered. Remote controlled Kleiremus? 09:50 Checking out Fessworth Freight Fecuda LRC7 11:20 Fell through textures, was quite fun 13:05 Checking out Ezyfus Bejsirf ZP80 16:00 Exploration till end 16:15 Falling fron the sand into textureless zone Some tech details: Runs @60fps, 1080p. System: CPU: i7-3770(non-K) @ 4.30GHz GPU: MSI GTX660 Overclocked (MSI Afterburner)