Mirrored from the best YouTube site for History Audios on Crypto Jews TheRapeOfJustice www.youtube.com/user/TheRapeOfJustice?feature=watch with Eric Hufschmid, June 27, 2006. Recommended: The Satanic Cult that Rules the World www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNk9o1_N57U You will find many more interviews with Christopher Jon Bjerknes and other knowledgeable historians on The Rape of Justice channel. prophesy: world government for the jews; prophesy: jewish messiah will exterminate all non-jews; Talmudic prophecies; Kabbala; Sabbatai Sevi; Jacob Frank; Frankists; Rothschilds Warburgs; Schiffs; "jewish media control" "the jewish mission is to destroy other cultures" "Albert Einstein plagiarist" Sephardim Ashkenazim "Neturei Karta" "State of Israel" "jewish clans" "segragation, supremacy and snobbishness" "king of the jews" "Henry Ford" "jewish war mongers" "jewish World Wars" "Herman Bernstein" "Rosika Schwimmer" "Woodrow Wilson" "Jacob Schiff" "Bolshevik Revolution" "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" Brandice "J.P. Morgan" "Federal Reserve Act" "British Royal jews" Phoenicians "Gilbert Parker" "Lord Northcliff" "British media control" "Zionist jews" "Winston Churchill, Zionist" "Chaim Weizmann" "Theodor Herzl" "Capitalism & Communism" Islam "Albert Einstein" "Einstein plagiarist" "Justice Brandeis" "Karl Marx" "Sigmund Freud" "Jewish Media Control" "Jewish Central Banks"