#1787: Marine Links MI-3 Wi-Fi HUBZone to Marcy Molokai Murder, Fuddy Birth Certificate www.abeldanger.net/2013/12/1787-marine-links-mi-3-wi-fi-hubzone-to.html Plum City -- (AbelDanger.net). United States Marine Field McConnell has linked linked HUBZone Wi-Fi patent pool devices operated by the MI-3 Livery Companies, to the script for 'The Marcy Molokai Murder' -- McConnell's story of how his sister Kristine Marcy has tried to prevent his exposure of her Obama birth-certificate fraud by turning the entire state of Hawaii into a SBA HUBZone surveillance center and equipping the Serco FAA Contract Towers at Molokaai with the Wi-Fi SATCOM devices which she allegedly used to coordinate the 11/12/13 murder of prospective OBC whistleblower, Loretta J. Fuddy, the Director of the Hawaii Department of Health. McConnell claims that his MI-3 and Con Air (JPATS) founder sister Kristine Marcy procured Serco's Wi-Fi SATCOM services for Hawaii and other HUBZones because it gave her and allegedly-alien BlackBerry users such as Barack Obama, real-time access to extorted managers of international crime-scene investigations (CSI) as follows .... NSAWW & Courtney Banks www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG2p1asWuwY