Thank you, H1N1 and other vaccines, a new GE fish Well it's that time of year again, cold and flu season is upon us, Still the gov't pushes vaccines and over the counter drugs to combat these illnesses. The Truthergirls do a wonderful job in bringing forward the underlying truths that our gov't doesn't want you to know. H1N1 Vaccine Miscarriage Update Rotavirus Vaccine in Canada A Man's Guide to the Flu Shot Flu Vaccine for 2010 GE - 'Frankenfish' The AquAdvantage Salmon was created by inserting the coding sequence from a Chinook salmon growth hormone gene, under control of an ocean pout gene, into wild Atlantic salmon. The resulting fish grows twice as fast as wild Atlantic salmon, reaching its full size in 18 months instead of three years. FDA Hearings Go Swimmingly for Frankenfish A recap of the FDA's 'Frankenfish' hearings AquaBounty Technologies, Inc -- Our mission is to play a significant part in "The Blue Revolution" -- bringing together biological sciences and molecular technology to enable an aquaculture industry capable of large-scale, efficient, and environmentally sustainable production of high quality seafood. Increased growth rates, enhanced resistance to disease, better food-conversion rates, manageable breeding cycles, and more efficient use of aquatic production systems are all important components of sustainable aquaculture industry of the future. As demonstrated in the growth chart, the AquAdvantage® Salmon grow faster and reach mature size earlier than standard salmon, but they do not grow to be larger. Mature AAS are indistinguishable from their conventional counterparts. Thanks guys and girls!! Kaz vs. Wild playlist