BP, Enbridge spilling oil over the entire Mid West WAKE UP AMERICA!!! BP and Enbridge both own this pipeline!! The North Dakota leak was on January 12 2010 Transocean Deepwater Horizon blew up on April 20 2010 The Michigan leak was on July 26 2010 The Illinois leak was on September 19 2010 Not to mention other leaks in Wisconsin and countless others unreported in Michigan!! ENBRIDGE PIPELINES SYSTEM CONFIGURATION www.enbridge.com/DeliveringEnergy/OurPipelines/~/media/Site%20Documents/Delivering%20Energy/Enb%20Refiners%20Book%202010%20Sys%20Config.ashx Enbridge pipeline leaks oil in Illinois www.woodtv.com/dpp/news/local/kalamazoo_and_battle_creek/Enbridge-works-to-clean-Illinois-spill Enbridge pipeline crews cleaning up North Dakota oil leak www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/157295/ The great Illinois oil rush Romeoville spill reveals the risks of aging pipelines across the state articles.chicagotribune.com/2010-09-14/news/ct-met-pipeline-shutdown-0914-20100914_1_newer-pipelines-crude-hazardous-materials-safety-administration