Fukushima Chernobyl 3 Mile Island just bumps along the way

submitted by maxplayer on 03/22/14 1

Fukushima Chernobyl 3 Mile Island just bumps along the way.... John Ritch gave an interview on RT about how good nuclear energy is and how safe it is. As Director General of the World Nuclear Association, he explains to RT why he thinks nuclear energy is still one of the safest sources of power and getting safer. By RT doing this interview, it's very obvious that the MSM is downplaying all that can go wrong during a nuclear emergency!! I'll let Chernobyl and Fukushima speak for themselves!! The children have tested positive for radiation poisoning in the Fukushima prefecture!! The full interview that RT conducted www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kuNLlkKxvI A fallout map of the radiation from Chernobyl www.ccpusa.org/chernobyl/ Fukushima kids all test positive for radiation poisoning www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH5akYHSDfs

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