URGENT New Jersey bill to ban ALL AMMO for anything!! New Jersey: Assembly Committee to Consider Ammo Ban & More This is not the first time that the New Jersey legislature has revealed its anti-gun bias. In 2008, the Assembly's Judiciary Committee pushed for legislation which would ban a variety of firearms. That committee passed the legislation 5 to 1. Assembly bills as noted Assembly Bill 588 and Assembly Bill 1013 Sponsored by Assemblyman L. Grace Spencer (D-29), A588 is cleverly disguised as police safety legislation aimed at armor piercing ammunition (which is already prohibited under federal and state law). The measure actually opens the door to a sweeping ammunition ban by an unelected public official by executive fiat. Common hunting, target, and self-defense ammunition would be subject to ban, along with BB's, airgun pellets, and non-metallic ammunition like plastic airsoft pellets, if the Attorney General decides that they pose a threat to the safety and well being of law enforcement. www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=7301 This is serious my fellow Ron Paul supporters. If you live in New Jersey contact your local representatives, and put an end to this hopefully it is not to late; since they were looking at it tonight. On Monday, January 30, the New Jersey Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee is scheduled to consider Assembly Bill 588 and Assembly Bill 1013. The hearing will be held at 2:00 p.m. in Committee Room 16, 4th Floor, State House Annex in Trenton. www.dailypaul.com/209817/new-jersey-assembly-committee-to-consider-ammo-ban-more The New Jersey Assembly is set to consider legislation which could amount to an all-out handgun ban considering the language of the bill. Though the measure mentions only ammunition, specifically "armor piercing ammunition," the NRA asserts that it is a virtual assault on handguns as well. www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/10699-nj-assembly-considers-new-gun-control-bills