A meeting with 2 survivalist truthers FixedByDoc's channel www.youtube.com/user/FixedByDoc As we inch closer and closer to SHTF or WROL, we as the awake, are going to need alliances with those we can trust!! I've always stressed the importance of community. Many other You Tubers have also stressed the importance of community, but do little to associate themselves in real life!! I don't understand why those who speak it, but don't walk it, either they are just looking for attention on You Tube or perhaps they are a shill, perhaps a Gov't agent!! Either way, when shit does hit the fan we will indeed need these alliances with people we already know, and know that we can trust them!! Community, it much more important than you think!! Don;t think for a second that after SHTF that someone is going to want to make friends with you, especially after YOUR supplies have ran out!!