R U THE RIDER OF A WHITE HORSE OR THE RIDER OF THE WHITE HOUSE? R U THE DIFFERENCE? Khumet or Khemet is the name of ancient Egypt in demotic sometimes referred to as plainly Khem - I`ve becoming an old mummy lately, who forgets things - lol. Good thinking my dear Watson. So the aristocratic elite from Khembridge are rowing against those from River Isis in Oxford; damn pack of Pharaohs in their canoes - 8 men rowing in Octogon canoes. It`s not a coincidence, that the horn of the unicorn points at the letter G of the freemasons; the vesica pisces also forms a heart together. The horn even goes outside of the circle; it`s that important to them. The whole thing is loaded with the occult. And these occultist secret service killers are supposed to be responsible for our safety. I can make a whole new film out of all the intelligent discovering comments you guys are writing here. Thx. The G stands for Gola or Golut meaning the diaspora and mixing with us, which stands for the very roots or phallic horns of their warfare: they mix first until not being recognised anymore and then fight their host from the inside out - the G is in fact the very same thing as the phallic horn, as in horny as kingbrunodagaul so brilliantly pointed out in his comment. Kategorie Nachrichten & Politik Lizenz Creative Commons -- Namensnennung (Wiederverwendung erlaubt)