If anyone wants to add to this, please comment. Cilantro Guacamole 1/2 cup finely chopped cilantro 1 medium avocado 3-4 small tomatoes juice of 1/2 a lemon Guacamole seasoning Cut up cilantro, dice tomatoes, mash avocado, add juice and seasoning. Spread black bean paste and shredded cheese on a tortilla. Add generous amount of cilantro guacamole, wrap up and heat to make cheese melt. Serve with yogurt and salsa. Cilantro Bean Salad: 1/2 cup cilantro 1T finely choppen onion 1 finely choppe clove of garlic 1 cup of mixed beans add vinaigrette salad dressing to taste add seal salt to taste Sun Chlorella Pulverized cell-wall chlorella by Dyno-Mill