Carson's mother -- who is a teacher -- didn't think her son was dyslexic, but he could not read and had poor test scores in school. Other teachers suspected dyslexia, but he got a dyslexia test and was not diagnosed dyslexia. His parents then took Carson for many tests and treatments, including Sylvan Learning & Tutoring and Irlen Screening. No progress until they found an optometrist who tested Carson's eye tracking, eye teaming, and eye focusing problems (binocular vision) and offered Vision Therapy eye exercises. Vision Therapy has been the cure! Carson also improved in sports, especially baseball and his father talks about his huge improvements with baseball batting, catching, and throwing. The Van Pelt family took Carson to The Optometry Center for Vision Therapy in Austin, TX - find them at To find other eye doctors who test and treat eye tracking, eye teaming, and eye focusing problems with Vision Therapy exercises, go to