I would consider the possibility that the entire mass vaccination scam, which may not even pan out, may be nothing more than an attempt to assess the current feasability of implementing a global rfid chipping program. If you look at it this way, it all makes sense, and it also allows for the possibility that the vaccines will not be enforced at gunpoint etc and all the rest of our fears. There is no way to know which way it's going to go, but it may be nothing more than a dril, and depending on how much resistance there proves to be, the whole thing may be dropped for the time being. It is key to mount resistance, to show them that we are nowhere near ready to take their poisons and tracking technologies. Quebec law, passed July 23, 2009 provides for the power to FORCE cutuzens to receive a 'vaccination'. Refusers will be brought before a court, and a judge will order them to be physically taken to a place where they will be forcibly vaccinated. See articles 100, 123, 126. Also gives government and public health depts the right to seize your stuff, including all documents, including personal documents and records, and to evict you from your homes. They also have the power to quarantine you for 30 days. The following doc is in French. www2.publicationsduquebec.gouv.qc.ca/dynamicSearch/telecharge.php?type=2&file=/S_2_2/S2_2.html UPDATE August 28, 2009: Turns out I was more right about this than I even knew at the time. Check this out: Next Step in H1N1 Scare: Microchip Implants www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=107588 And the patent for this diabolical thing that supposedly detects 'pandemic flu viruses' in the recipient: www.receptorsllc.com/documents/Virus%20Sensor%20White%20Paper.pdf