The Investigator follows the life of James Buanacore (Wade Williams), a 20-year veteran of the police department. After a drug bust gone wrong, the resulting media circus forces James into early retirement. With his faith barely hanging on by a thread, he takes a job as a criminal justice teacher and baseball coach at a local Christian high school leading him to the most important investigation of his life. Directed by Curtis Graham 2013 Starring Brandon Larracuente (Bloodline), Richard A. Romano (Everybody Loves Raymond), Rebecca Galarza (King’s Gambit). The Investigator. PG-13. Drama. Family. Sports. Watch more free movies at, or on the Popcornflix app available on mobile devices, Roku, Xbox, Sony, PlayStation and many more! #Popcornflix, Full length free movies Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Popcornflix is owned/operated by Screen Media Ventures, LLC.