AVERTISSEMENT: INFERTILITE L'adjuvant utilisee dans ce vaccin est fait avec la scalene (squalene), qui cause (parmi plusieurs problemes) LA CESSASION DE PRODUCTION DE SPERME chez les animaux (allergic aspermatogenesis). La production de sperme des recipients n'a jamais ete evalue lors des essais cliniques. Voir extrait de "Vaccine A" vaccine-a.com/excerpt.html Il y a presentement au Quebec une campagne extensive visant de convaincre les gens de prendre volontairement le vaccin contre la grippeA/H1N1. L'edition de La Presse pour le 24-25 Octobre inclut une section entiere decrivant la campagne de vaccination en masse qui aura lieu debutant le 26 Octobre, y compris aussi une section s'addressant aux questions sur le vaccin,qui est plein de mauvaises informations. Ils veulent vous faire croire que les adjuvants ne sont que des vitamines et que la forme de mercure utilisee comme preservatif n'est pas nocive.Ne vous faites pas decevoir! Les liens suivants sont pour des textes ecrits en Anglais,puisqu'ils proviennent surtout des EU.Si vous avez des liens additionnels en Francais,svp m'envoyez-les. pandemrix et ingredients (document de GSK) www.emea.europa.eu/humandocs/PDFs/EPAR/pandemrix/H-832-en6.pdf Squalene lie au Gulf War Syndrome: Squalene adjuvants are used to induce arthritis in rats. CRC handbook of animal models for the rheumatic diseases, Volume 1, describes how serious arthritis and hind-quarters paralysis is induced in rats by injecting them with squalene. By Robert A. Greenwald, Herbert S. Diamond books.google.ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=DFlr0fBP_OAC&oi=fnd&pg=PA3&dq=%22Whitehouse%22+%22Adjuvant-induced+polyarthritis+in+rats%22+&ots=o4T5WFF568&sig=JUW7xyevH1HrhOkpLMnJCLtocsw Association of squalene adjuvant with Gulf War Syndrome in US military personnel Squalene, an orgamic polymer which occurs naturally in the human body, is, in remanufactured form, an adjuvant, or vaccine "booster," used in several experimental vaccines. The purpose of such an adjuvant is to boost the immune system's reaction to the vaccine. It is illegal for use on human beings in the United States and Great Britain. There is evidence that when injected, squalene is responsible for arthritic conditions and pain. Squalene appears to be highly reactive when injected, although not as reactive when ingested orally. Although the Dept. of Defense denied the presence of Squalene in the anthrax vaccine for many years, the FDA tested several lots for the presence of the adjuvant, and found it - in varying levels. Those lots are (ppb=parts per billion): Recent research by Pamela B. Asa, Russell B. Wilson, and Robert F. Garry links the anthrax vaccine to Gulf War Syndrome through the presence of squalene antibodies, as noted in the introduction to their report: (...) ASA (anti-squalene antibodies) were not present prior to vaccination in pre-immunization sera available from 4 AVIP personnel. Three of these individuals became ASA positive after vaccination. These results suggest that the production of ASA in GWS patients is linked to the presence of squalene in certain lots of anthrax vaccine. 2002 Elsevier Science (USA) www.mvrd.org/showpage.cfm?ID=69 Mercola on squalene adjuvants articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/08/04/Squalene-The-Swine-Flu-Vaccines-Dirty-Little-Secret-Exposed.aspx?aid=CD532 Ethylmercury/thimerosal: Note: there is certainly NOT a consensus on ethylmercury being harmless in vaccines or that vaccines, with mercury, are not the main cause of autism, as the CBC article implies! See below: Video of conference on ethylmercury, vaccines, and autism www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8-2boOIVdc&feature=PlayList&p=787FF25B0BE0E6DE&index=0&playnext=1 One of three strains of baby mice injected with Thimerosal developed autism-like symptoms: www.generationrescue.org/pdf/hornig.pdf Pediatric Vaccines Influence Primate Behavior, and Amygdala Growth and Opioid Ligand Binding" Macacque monkeys injected with all vaccines included in the immunization schedule of 1994-1999 showed brain and behavior changes, inflammatory bowel changes and developmental delays. www.thenhf.com/vaccinations/vaccinations_186.htm www.whale.to/vaccine/sick_monkeys.html