Update November 15. Over 1 million sick in Ukraine as of nov 15, 292 dead ukraineplague.blogspot.com/2009/11/official-numbers-for-ukraine-sick.html Killer virus can attack body through the eyes theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1773%3Aviral-distress-syndrome-cause-of-death-in-ukraine-reports-website&catid=1%3Alatest-news&Itemid=64&lang=en Ukranian doctors say : 'We have carried out post mortems on two victims and found their lungs are as black as charcoal. 'They look like they have been burned. It's terrifying.' 'Unlike similar epidemics in other countries, three causes of serious viral infections came together simultaneously in Ukraine: two seasonal flus and the Californian flu. 'Virologists conclude that this combination of infections may produce an even more aggressive new virus as a result of mutation.' theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1817%3Abritish-scientists-testing-ukrainian-qsuper-fluq-that-has-killed-189-people-reports-daily-mail&catid=41%3Ahighlighted-news&Itemid=105&lang=en Outbreaks: Serbia ukraineplague.blogspot.com/2009/11/swine-flu-epidemic-declared-in-serbia.html Norway ukraineplague.blogspot.com/2009/11/update-111109-544pm-900000-norwegians.html Canada: 24 deaths in 72 hours in Ontario www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/alert-alerte/h1n1/surveillance-eng.php Patent for reassortant influenza viruses: www.patentstorm.us/applications/20090010962.html Full doc on scribd: www.scribd.com/doc/19660910/Medimmune-H1N1-Swine-Flu-Virus-PATENT-2008 Sect 0013: In some embodiments, the invention encompasses a virus (of and influenza virus) comprising one or more above described nucleic acids (eg encoding hemagglutinin and/or neuraminidase) or one or more fragments thereof. Immunogenic compositions comprising such virus are also part of the current invention. Such viruses can comprise a reassortment virus such as a 6:2 reassortment virus (eg comprising 6 genes encoding regions form one or more door virus and genes encoding regions from one or more above described nucleotide sequence (or one or more fragment thereof) which can optionally comprise hemagglutinin and/or neuraminidase).