I wrote another totally paranoid song to cheer you all up. :) Nobody wants to know nothing about nothing. They'd all rather be slaves than stand up for something. Everywhere, people are asleep. Getting in the flu shot line like good little sheep. And you can thank their docility For giving more power to the Powers That Be And I say, Everything is a conspiracy but nobody takes it seriously. One of these days I hope they wake up and see that everything is a conspiracy. Powerful men decided long ago there's too many of us around we're gonna have to go. And to accomplish this, they would use our vaccinations to make our children sick and reduce the population. By way of deception, they shall make war. But to let in the devil you gotta open the door. (chorus) Why should we trust the wealthy? They inject us with mercury to keep us healthy. They got us fromcradle to grave. To fight the New World Order, you gotta be brave. It's all right there in the prophecy. The Bible tells you it's all one big conspiracy! Oh, yes Sir, (chorus x 2)