Flu Vaccine Recall and Double Dosing: Canada

submitted by maxplayer on 03/22/14 1

170 000 doses of GSK's Arepanrix being distributed in Canada were recently recalled after 6 people suffered severe allergic reactions after receiving shots from this 'hot lot'. Unfortunately,most of the vaccines from this lot had already been administered. However, as scary as it sounds that people are having allergic reactions, this is a minor issue compared with the fact that the adjuvants in the vaccine are known to cause auto-immune disease in animals and that there is no long-term safety data on the use of this product in humans, especially children. What is even more disconcerting is that there is evidence that this adjuvant neither significantly improve the effectiveness of the vaccine nor is antigen-sparing, that vaccine immunity is very short-lived and that it is highly likely that the public will soon be told they will all need a second dose. The government of Canada ordered 52 million doses of the vaccine, enough to give everyone two doses. This was no mistake: the decision was based on clinical trial data with the mock-up vaccine. Pandemrix package insert with clinical trial data: www.emea.europa.eu/humandocs/PDFs/EPAR/pandemrix/emea-combined-h832en.pdf Canadian government recommends one dose of vaccine for adults, one half dose for children 3-9, and two half-doses for children 6 mos-3 years and 3-9 with chronic medical problems. www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/alert-alerte/h1n1/vacc/recommendation-recommandation-eng.php Lancet study: flu shot does not protect in the long run: www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(09)70263-4/fulltext Flu vaccine lack of effectiveness: vran.org/about-vaccines/specific-vaccines/influenza-vaccine-flu-shot/effectiveness-of-flu-shots-wildly-overestimated/ STUNNING admissions by the pharma industry that vaccines and adjuvants cause auto-immune disorders and adjuvants are near useless in the elderly as well as younger people www.scribd.com/doc/19905315/BioPharm-International-NewAge-Vaccine-Adjuvants-Friend-or-

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