Flu Vaccine Doubled Hospitalization in Babies

submitted by maxplayer on 03/22/14 1

Children under one year of age who received live attenuated intranasal influenza vaccine were found to have more than DOUBLE the number of hospitalizations. Nonetheless, the authors conclude that it is 'safe and effective' and preferable over the intramuscular flu shot for them. Uhm...Isn't the goal of all these vaccinations to keep kids OUT of the hospital, not put them in it? If you look atthe yearly stats on flu deaths in the US in children (on the CDC site), you will see that deaths have been steadily increasing ever since flu vaccines were introduced. The more flu shots, the more deaths,for some reason. I don't know why, exactly, but just looking at the avaiable studies like this one on LAIV, you can see it doesn't make children any heathier. NOTE: I realized LAIV is not licensed for children under two. LAIV increases incidence of wheezing episodes in healthy children. More than doubles rates of hospitalizations. Study concludes it is better to give LAIV to children than inactivated vaccine! content.nejm.org/cgi/content/abstract/356/7/685 CDC on LAIV- studies. Notice asthmatics are excluded, and trials mostly only monitor for problems within atmost 42 days. One study showed:"In a previous randomized placebo-controlled safety trial among children aged 12 months—17 years without a history of asthma by parental report, an elevated risk for asthma events (RR: 4.1; CI = 1.3—17.9) was documented among 728 children aged 18—35 months who received LAIV" www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/acip/adverselaiv.htm STUNNING admissions by the pharma industry that vaccines and adjuvants cause auto-immune disorders and flu vaccines are useless in the elderly as well as younger people www.scribd.com/doc/19905315/BioPharm-International-NewAge-Vaccine-Adjuvants-Friend-or- Mayo Clinic study found asthmatic children vaccinated against flu were 3 x more likely to be hospitalized for flu-related complications. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/05/090519172045.htm

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