A brief explanation of some of the things we are up againts, such as Codex Alimetarius, mandatory water fluoridation in Ontario, the possible addition of lithium to drinking water and asparaginase (chemotherapy agent) to fast food, as well as Bill C-6 and what you can personally do to fight back against all of this and defend your freedoms. Codex Alimentarius: www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=161 "Nutricide: The Killing Camps of Codez Alimentarius" by Dr. Rima Laibow www.healthfreedomusa.org/docs/nutricide.pdf Fluoride Action Network www.fluoridealert.org/ BBC on adding lithium to your water news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8025454.stm NY Times: Adding Lithium to tap water www.nytimes.com/projects/magazine/ideas/2009/#l Health Canada may add anti-cancer drug to junk food (asparaginase): www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20091222/junk_091222/20091222 False Flag Flu on Bill C-6 www.falseflagflu.com/citizen_info_and_action.html Serious, far-reaching implications of Bill C-6 www.falseflagflu.com/docs/BILL%20C-6%20and%20MANDATORY%20VACCINES%20by%20D.%20Nicholson.pdf Canadians For Health Freedom: info and updates on Bill C-6 canadiansforhealthfreedom.wordpress.com/ Contact your MP: Parliament of Canada website www.parl.gc.ca/common/index.asp?Language=E Bulletin from Fluoride Alert (fluoride Action Network) "In the last bulletin I mentioned that there were rumblings of efforts to make fluoridation mandatory in Ontario, Canada. I received a request for some documentation for these rumblings. What I got back from one of our Canadian contacts was chilling, she writes: A joint committee of the Ontario Dental Assoc., the Ont. Public Health Assoc. and the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario was formed about two years ago with the stated purpose of getting the Ontario government to set up and fund a Fluoridation Office with sole control over all information that the public can receive about fluoridation. The RCDSO and ODA presidents past and current have publicly asked Premier McGuinty to make mandatory water fluoridation his legacy to Ontario. The RCDSO has a policy forcing dentists to support fluoridation publicly and Dr. Stechey is on video telling Thunder Bay councilors that the RCDSO would take action against any dentist who didn't adhere to this policy. Some of these public speeches are on video clips on Waterloo Watch. Written resolutions to support the formation of an Ontario Fluoridation Office and a policy of mandatory fluoridation are in minutes of AGMs and committees of these associations. In addition, the Bioethics advisor to the Ont. Public Health Association, Dr. Angus Dawson, has recommended political strategy of removing our democratic right to vote for an end to fluoridation, and laws to block "lobbying" by those he calls "objectors" to fluoridation so that elected officials can only be approached by pro-fluoridation experts, and only pro-fluoridation candidates are nominated (i.e. a qualification for running for office), and elected officials may not receive anti-fluoridation literature or deputations from the public once elected. It is hard to believe that this is coming from officials in the largest province in Canada, so respected on many other fronts for its respect of human rights, democratic processes and human decency in general. Someone please tell me this is not happening."