Oil "Spill": Conspiracy or Just Convenient?

submitted by maxplayer on 03/22/14 1

I covered this extensively on the radio tonight, in much more detai than in this short vlog, so if you are really interested in this topic, I would recommend you download the May 19th episode of The Truther Girls and you will get all the details, including Credo Mutwa's apocalyptical predictions. americanfreedomradio.com First you have the lack of an acoustic switch, thanks to deregulation. Then you have the statistically unlikely failure of several layers of other safety systems. Add to that preventing the mediafrom reporting on the true level of severity of what is going on, plus a climate change bill on the table, and a situation that can lead to laws that could bring on what the Copenhagen Agreement hoped to accomplish, and what do you get? A very, very convenient catastrophe- at least for the globalists. Wayne Madsen's blog: coto2.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/volcanic-eruption-of-oil-in-gulf-wayne-madsen-cover-up-report/ Haliburton oversaw cementing job, drilling mud replaced with seawater, all safety mechanisms failed, deemed statistically unlikely by Princeton professor. www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/05/08/AR2010050803429_3.html?nav=rss_email/components&sid=ST2010050800010 This acoustic swtich system is mandatory everywhere in the world except the USA, due to deregulation from the Bush era. www.youtube.com/watch?v=77pBcf0o444&feature=related Blowout preventer damaged weeks before blowout, pieces of rubber surfacing, staff told to ignore it: uruknet.info/?p=m66092&hd=&size=1&l=e CBS reporter was recently threatened by Coast Guard acting on behalf of BP for filming oil spill www.prisonplanet.com/u-s-coast-guard-threatens-cbs-reporters-with-arrest-for-filming-bp-oil-spill.html Scientists from the European Space Agency say BP has so far not been able to contain the gusher and oil is expected to his the coast of Florida within 6 days. www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=126995§ionid=3510203 White House aims to use Deepwater disaster to win votes for US climate bill www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/may/11/us-climate-bill-deepwater-disaster

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