Bilder - Berger = mountains of pictures in Auschwitz; Pharaoh DNA = Switzerland. The word Bilder is german and means pictures, and Berg is a mountain in german; a german name of a hotel in a country without mountains. But Prince Bernhard was german, a SAR (nobility) and member of the SS. And in Auschwitz were mountains of shoes, mountains of hair, mountains with teeth, clothes, glasses, suitcases and mountains of pictures of the lives stolen away. The prisoners who had to sort out these "mountains" were called The Bilderberger, and the freemasons kept the name in a cynical way standing for NWO, the death of Europe and total control over humanity; Bilderberger - pictures in memory of what life used to be before the NWO and total domination by the enemy within, The Pharaohs. And in Switzerland 50% of the population carry the pharaonic DNA, as recent 2011 scientific studies proved.