Teacher Tina offers tips, slide-by-slide advice, and a valuable tool to help you with pacing your lesson. For personalized coaching from Tina, do these simple steps: 1) Send an email to teachvip@vipkid.com.cn with the following text body: "My referring teacher is Kristina Garcia. The referral code is 03N2ZK and her email address is TeacherTinaVIPKID@gmail.com." 2) Copy (cc:) Tina on that email. 3) Send Tina an email at TeacherTinaVIPKID@gmail.com to introduce yourself! To apply to teach for VIPKID, use this link: www.vipkidteachers.com/?refereeId=6115808&partnerId=6891010 Here is the link to the headset I used in this video: www.bestbuy.com/site/logitech-h390-usb-headset-with-noise-canceling-microphone-black/9618932.p?skuId=9618932 Thanks so much for watching...SUBSCRIBE and turn on notifications for more videos! HAPPY TEACHING!! :) -Teacher Tina