Many of you have been asking me what I eat, so I finally made a video about it. What I ate this day isn't exactly what I eat every day, but I do eat a lot of raw, including 1 or 2 juices, a fruit salad, and a green salad every day. I don't know how 'ideal' this diet is by various people's standards, but it works for me. I feel good on it and am in very good health and in good shape. Here is more info. Breakfast: Things like fruit, nuts, fresh juice (mainly grapefruit), smoothie Lunch: Green salad with source of sulphur (onions, roquette, raishes etc), fats (olives, 1 avocado) , protein (hardboiled egg, raw cheese, tuna, roast chicken), nuts Snacks: raw juice (carrot/apple/celery or other), fruit, nuts, raw cheese Diner: rice/potatoes, chicken/fish/organic pastured beef, salad or cooked vegetables, sauerkraut/pickles with no additives Drinks: water, kombucha, 1 coffee Smoothie example: 1 mango, 1 banana, fresh orange+ carrot juice, maca, raw honey, coconut oil, rice/ almond milk Sweets: raw chocolate, raw desserts or lara bars on rare occasions That's basically it. I buy organic fruits and vegetables as much as possible and affordable. Mainly I buy organic carrots, lettuce, celery, and apples. The rest is just regular fruit. If I can't get organic meat, I always buy halal, and avoid the grocery store meat. Fish: I make salmon once a week, on average, and I LOVE sushi and have that about once a week, too, for lunch. My rice is organic, but not my potatoes. I don't eat much bread, but when I do it's organic stone ground kamut, locally made. No dairy except raw milk cheese, locally made, and organic cream for coffee/fruit parfait desserts. Sometimes I drink the cream straight if I feel I need more fat. But sometimes I eat pizza, too! you have to do your best to eat well, but don't drive yourself crazy with it. It's the overall picture that matters, not what you have now and then. Just do the best you can.