No copyright infringement is intended with this, or any other video I upload. The purpose of uploading this video is for the viewing pleasure for thoe that watch it. This episode is called "Disneyland Showtime", and is the last of the group of episodes from what I call "The World's Fair Era". This episode from 1970 was the first episode from Disneyland without a real host, but it wasn't without stars. The closest thing this episode had to a host was Kurt Russell, an actor that Walt Disney was high on, and as usual, he proved to be right. Also, Donny Osmond joined his brothers to make the set complete. Actress E.J. Peaker also joined in on the fun. Most of the episode dealt with the Osmonds looking for Donny, while at the same time, having to keep up a tight schedule as a deadline for a performance from the Osmond Brothers was coming up fast, but they had gotten separated, but they eventually find each other and have that perofrmance. Later, Kurt Russell gives the viewers an inside look at the Haunted Mansion, the last Disneyland attraction that Walt Disney planned that opened at Disneyland. If you remember, he had previewed that attraction, along with "Pirates of the Caribbean", on the Disneyland 10th Anniversary show back in 1965, but "The Haunted Mansion" did not open until 1969, two years after "Pirates of the Caribbean" opened. NOTE: The contents of this video were originally uploaded by DisneyParkVideos. All rights and credits go to the Walt Disney Company and those that created the video and audio, including the music used in the program, including UMG and EMI Music Publishing, and especially The Osmond Brothers, who performed the music used in their concert. Extra credit also goes to DisneyParkVideos, who originally uploaded the material used in the video. If there are any others who I'm forgetting, please let me know so I can add them to the list of those to credit. There's a chance that this video will either be taken down, not allowed up, or I'll be asked to take it down. If I'm asked to, I will take it down.