The difference between intention and outcome is very simple. Intention is, “Did the person give their best?” If they gave their best, then they need to master validating themself. When we go into outcome, what we are looking at is we’re giving our best and we are looking for someone outside of us to validate us. And that becomes a far more difficult journey. So I would suggest that we look at our intention. Did we give our best? Yes? Then that it is enough. And I would stay completely out of outcome. “Oh, I gave my best. Is that enough for this person outside of me?” That is dangerous, and I don’t want people to be asleep in their life. I want people to be awake in their life. And when we’re awake, we don’t need someone’s approval. When we’re asleep, it is when we need someone’s approval and we want people to wake up and give themself the approval they need. We want to give them tools to learn to validate self to learn to encourage self and most importantly to learn to embed love in life when life is working well and when life is not working so well, because our love for ourselves should never change. We should love ourselves when we are in struggle, or when we’re not. And that is really what love is about. Love can either be co-dependent, which really relates to: “If you do something, I will love you.” “If you do it well, I will love you.” “If you get an A, I will love you.” On the other hand, independent love says that I will love you, no matter what you do. And that is really what love is about. We want to encourage people to meet their life and to meet their challenge with the love process, to learn that they are worth loving and it is important that they are embedding it every single day. Many, many times a day if there is a lot of dysfunction around you, meet the fear projections with the love projection. Call 562-420-8884