We hear many stories these days of people's rights being violated, but it is particularly deplorable when it pertains the sacred experience of a woman bringing a child into this world. Let this woman's story be a warning to anyone who plans to give birth in a hospital, that it is crucial to have an advocate with you while you are in labor, to ensure that your wishes are respected. For that matter, this applies to anyone going to the hospital for any kind of medical intervention, when they are not in a state to advocate for themselves. Birth rape shine.yahoo.com/parenting/birth-rape-why-is-this-happening-in-our-hospitals-2459486.html blogs.babble.com/being-pregnant/2011/02/25/birth-rape-and-ignored-refusal/#more-19439 original post; community.babycenter.com/post/a26519895/vbac_denied_horrid_experience...?cpg=1 Maternal mortality in US hospitals is increasing. "The scientific evidence strongly suggests that the increasing use of obstetric interventions and technologies--cesarean section, epidural anesthesia, and drugs to induce labor--is not saving more women's lives, but ending them. " mothering.com/pregnancy-birth/obstetrical-interventions-and-maternal-mortality?page=0,1 birth interventions interfere with breastfeeding www.naturalnews.com/030399_birth_breastfeeding.html