Little do people realize, when they consult their doctor, that one of the drugs s/he is most likely to recommend to them literally kills you one cell at a time. These are the popular cholesterol-reducing drugs known as statins. Not only are they already widely prescribed for the elderly, but now it is being suggested that everyone over 50 should be taking them to reap the benefits, however small. Meanwhile, the FDA is debating whether pharmaceuticals should be marketed to healthy people. This is the result of a mafia-like system set up to enrich the wealthiest, most parasitic beings of all: the bigwigs at the top of Big Pharma. Before popping a single statin in your mouth, do yourself a favor and read James B Yoseph and Hannah Yoseph, MD's book 'How Statins Really Lower Cholesterol and Kill You One Cell at a Time'. And if you want to do many people a favor, give a copy to your doctor! James and Hannah will be joining me on the radio to expose the truth about statins and answer all your questions on may 24, 2012 from 2:00-3:00 pm EST. Listen live: Archive will be up next day here: Chat room: Call in: 218-339-8525 Links coming