Special Report! TrutherGirl Sonia successfully infiltrates this year's NWO conference with subversive journalist Ken Fernandez and brings you a full report on what Elites such as banker and Bilderbergers have been discussing. Although the tickets are very expensive, which makes the event inaccessible to most of the public, to their credit they offer special deals for students, and are open to the media and generous with them, and encourage even difficult questions from journalists. The 18th International Economic Forum of the Americas forum-americas.org/ One recurring theme was sustainable development and fracking was promoted as a solution by several speakers today as a means of decreasing US dependance on foreign energy sources (thereby decreasing the political power held over the US by oil-producing countries and those who control places that are key in terms of oil transportation to the West. During the lunchtime session, the issues of public discontent, protests, the notion of a 1% versus 99%, and unequal distribution of wealth came up. The American speaker, Thomas Donohue seemed pretty out of touch with the plight of the middle class. An article on the forum and the protests related to it www.huffingtonpost.ca/2012/06/11/montreal-protests-economic-forum-americas_n_1586296.html?ref=canada