Teen Dies Taking Ayahuasca: What Really Happened?

submitted by maxplayer on 03/22/14 1

18-year-old Kyle Nolan died taking ayahuasca brew with a shaman in Peru. The use of ayahuasca has been studied extensively and has been found to be safe under traditional conditions. So how could young Mr Nolan have died by ingesting this widely-used plant substance? The answer may lie in the likely circumstances under which he took the brew, which may likely have included admixtures not normally included in the standard brew used by groups such as Santo Daime, Ceu Do, Union De Vegetal and others. Kyle's own father does not believe his death was caused by the ayahuasca and thinks he was more likely murdered. He is having his body brought to the US for autopsy. www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Father-of-Teen-Dead-in-Peru-Ritual-Thinks-Son-Was-Murdered-171382471.html It makes sense to me that a curandero or shaman would be the least likely to administer a deadly brew, since having clients die on him would quickly put him out of business. Note: This is for research purposes only. I am not advocating or recommending that anyone ingest any medicines, plant-based or other or participate in any forms of religious rituals. Anyone considering taking ayahuasca should diligently research the subject and be well-informed of the necessary safety precautions and the risks involved. www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/12/kyle-nolan-dead-hallucinogen_n_1879057.html Ayahuasca cermony-associated death in canada (nicotine poisoning) www.cognitiveliberty.org/dll/ayahuasca_canada.html Information on Santo Daime csp.org/nicholas/A16.html Collection of scientific articles written on ayahuasca iceers.org/uploads/media/ICEERS_Ayahuasca_Scientific_Literature_Overview_2010_01.pdf Ayahuasca and potential for addition or abuse www.metatimeart.net/planetary/Theories_Studies/Shamanism/33119548-Assessment-of-addictions-everity-among-ritual-users-of-ayahuasca-Fabregas-et-al-2010.pdf This article contains scientific information on how ayahuasca may alleviate violent alcoholism by altering brain chemistry; www.infotimeart.org/Victoria/mckenna_aya.pdf More on ayahuasca mental, physical and social effects www.slideshare.net/tofoli/mental-health-safety-of-ayahuasca-religious-use-results-from-an-epidemiological-surveillance-system-by-the-uniao-do-vegetal-in-brazil-13086360 Ayahuasca in addiction treatment in Canada (the forced the doctor to stop dispensing it) indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2012/04/30/ayahuasca-may-hold-key-to-breaking-addiction-but-canada-is-forcing-a-doctor-to-stop-its-testing-110073 Alternate ayahuasca recipes may include the following herbs (I am not recommending that you brew or use this) www.entheogen-magikplants.com/ayahuasca_preparation_with_syrian_rue.html Dangerous herbal admixtures including toe (a form of datura) used by jungle-based shamans www.biopark.org/ayarecipe.html DATURA FAMILY PLANTS ARE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND EASY TO OVERDOSE ON

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