Hamas has called for a truce and even declared that one had been reached, but Israel has said 'no deal'. So far, the Israeli army has killed 130 Palestinians, including 31 children. 5 Israelis have died from Palestinian rocket attacks, including 3 civilians. Meanwhile, the Isareli media is publishing aggressive propaganda pieces saying things like the only solution is to flatten Gaza like the Americans did to Hiroshima. I'm warning you, I got really emotional doing this vlog, so don't be surprised if you see me almost in tears. I didn't have the time to re-shoot it and besides, this is how I honestly feel about it, so I'm putting it up anyway. Hamas calls for truce, Israel says 'no deal' www.torontosun.com/2012/11/20/pressure-for-gaza-truce-intensifies-as-hillary-clinton-heads-to-the-region Israeli officials call for gaza to be flattened: desertpeace.wordpress.com/2012/11/19/israeli-officials-call-for-gaza-to-be-flattened-like-hiroshima-was/ www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-EdContributors/Article.aspx?ID=292466 Dancing Israeli students chant 'death to the Arabs' electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/dancing-israeli-students-chant-death-arabs-rally-backing-gaza-slaughter Noam Chomsky on Gaza 'it's an open-air prison': rabble.ca/news/2012/11/noam-chomsky-impressions-gaza-worlds-largest-open-air-prison#.UKT8XfIlPgc.facebook Chomsky: This is not defense news.infoshop.org/article.php?story=20121118003140399 Israelis and Jews protesting the attacks on Gaza: globalvoicesonline.org/2012/11/18/israelis-protest-military-operation-against-gaza/ Orthodox Rabbis againts Zionism: www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=r-3hNL2dsrI#! www.nkusa.org/ Picture of Map of Israel/Palestine over the years www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151347919142214&set=a.464069292213.260038.622252213&type=1&theater