A new TV by Verizon not only knows when you're there and how many of you there are, but what you are doing and even whether you are sexually aroused! How far is this perverted Big Brother crap going to go? In addition to that, the government is logging all your emails, will soon have access to your text messages, and even wants to put a voice-recording black box in your car. For your safety, of course. Congrats to the TrutherGirls Christmas Kombucha giveaway winners: lenora2020 littlelynleylou kathy andersen aatrue brapallgood cindybarb238 barb murphy darren sangster usergently rosipm101 police want logs of texts news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-57556704-38/cops-to-congress-we-need-logs-of-americans-text-messages/ uncoverthenews.com/2012/12/02/nsa-whistleblower-everyone-in-us-under-virtual-surveillance-all-info-stored-no-matter-the-post/ black boxes in cars: www.cnbc.com/id/100291433 theintelhub.com/2012/12/07/private-corporation-intends-to-watch-you-have-sex-gearing-ads-toward-you-through-your-cable-box/