Table of Contents: 05:20 - 1- identify the structure (be specific) & method of preparation 2- identify blue, yellow and red arrows 05:21 - 1- identify the structure (be specific) & method of preparation 2- identify blue, yellow and red arrows 06:05 - 1-identify structure pointed to by yellow arrow and its functions 2-identify layers pointed to by blue, green & red arrows 06:28 - 1-identify structure pointed to by yellow arrow and its functions 2-identify layers pointed to by blue, green & red arrows 07:27 - 1- identify the structure (be specific) 2- identify blue, green & red arrows 08:12 - 1- identify the structure (be specific) 2- identify cells pointed to by blue, green arrows & one visible feature for each 3- identify red star, mention type of fibers in this area & its special stain 4- identify yellow star 09:47 - 1- identify the structure 2- identify stages indicated by green, red, blue & yellow stars & one visible feature for each Try to view the description of the muscular tissue,cartilage, bone,nervous tissue,lymphatic tissue and vasculat tissue before the revision. Cartilage Bone Muscular Nervous tissue Lymphatic tissue Vascular tissue