Chronic fatigue | Long Beach CA Chiropractor | 562-420-8884 | Long Beach CA 90804

submitted by Doctor Multimedia on 01/17/18 1 -------------- Chronic Fatigue What is the relationship between fatigue, fibromyalgia and the spine? In chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, we have been able to identify a specific curvature pattern. We find that most women in chronic fatigue have left-spinal-curvature patterns. What happens is they oftentimes are mentally very strong. They tend to over-push, and when they start to fatigue, because they're mentally strong, they just push through their fatigue. Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia oftentimes go hand-in-hand. When we have a denial-based pattern, which chronic fatigue is, it's when people deny their energy, deny their truth, they over-push, they use up all their stored energy. Then, all of a sudden, they begin to have fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is where you get stress in various muscle groups in the body. And because they're in a denial pattern, that comes on gradually, and then all of a sudden, it hits them and it's almost disabling, in many cases. And so we have to really teach the chronic fatigue fibromyalgia person to slow down, to ask themselves the question, "How can I do this and save energy?" ----------------- Are you looking for a chiropractor? Get an appointment today and let Dr. Stephen Ward give you a thorough diagnosis and explain what treatment options you have. Call now: 562-420-8884 Ward Chiropractic Family Center 6530 E. Spring St. Long Beach , CA 90815 Chiroman backinactioncerritos lamontek turnerchiropractic

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