This is a Quantum Healing meditation CD for uncovering incredible insights and discovering new inner wisdoms. “AHA!” and many other healing titles are available in digital download and physical CD formats at Tubular bells disappear into a backdrop of slow cross-fades between white noise and pink noise to help you easily reach a deep state of meditation. Embedded into the sound is a technology that spurs extraordinary realizations, where new enlightening wisdoms are triggered within you through a series of Quantum Sensory Experiencs™. At the end, tubular bells re-appear from the background to re-awaken you to normal awareness. Three versions are included. One is 8 minutes for a brief meditation; another is 20 minutes for a medium length meditation; and the other is 40 minutes for an even deeper experience. “AHA” moments are also referred to as “Light-Bulb” moments. It’s that instant point in time when you suddenly realize something, and it’s usually quite profound. It is literality a moment of personal “Enlightenment”. You are likely to have multiple “AHA” moments while meditating to these tracks. It is recommended to have a notebook and pen available to jot down the information you receive. This self-realization tool was developed by psychoenergetics scientist, teacher, healer and musician Shad Diamond. You will find more information including scientific details at plus several hours of free video classes on health, wealth, relationships, spiritual evolution and a variety of related topics.