TRUTH starring Cate Blanchett & Robert Redford

submitted by Marvin's Underground Entertainment on 01/16/18 1

In the vein of "All The President's Men" and "The Insider", ★ The Must-See Movies are HERE ➨ ★Subscribe HERE and NOW ► In the vein of "All The President's Men" and "The Insider", it is the incredible true story of Mary Mapes (played by Cate Blanchett), an award-winning CBS News Journalist and Dan Rather's producer, who broke the Abu-Ghraib prison abuse story, among others. The film chronicles the story Mapes and Rather uncovered that a sitting US president may have been AWOL from the United States National Guard for over a year during the Vietnam War. When the story blew up in their face, the ensuing scandal ruined Dan Rather's career, nearly changed a US Presidential election, and almost took down all of CBS News in the process. TRUTH Trailer A Movie Written and Directed by James Vanderbilt Based on the book "Truth and Duty" by Mary Mapes Cast : Robert Redford as Dan Rather, Cate Blanchett, Topher Grace, Elisabeth Moss, and Dennis Quaid. Release Date : In Select Theaters October 16, 2015 Genre : TRUTH Movie Trailer © 2015 - SonyPictures Classics ✓ Subscribe now to catch the best trailers and the latest HD official movie trailer, film clip, scene and video !

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