Will it took me a huge amount of time to make this i think this is the best one ive done so far plz sub rate and comment for more vids like this :) Song-Tesla -heaven Nine Eleven :) GAMES USED ! Assassins Creed Assassins Creed Revalations Assassins Creed Brotherhood Bioshock Halo Reach Halo Wars Halo ODST Halo 4 Deus Ex human revolution Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas Call of duty Mw Call of Duty Mw2 Call of Duty Mw3 Call of Duty Black Ops Battlefield 3 Crysis 2 Dragon Age 2 Prototype Prototype 2 Saints Row The Third Mortal Kombat 9 Metro 2033 Dead Space 2 Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Gears of wars Gears of wars 2 Gears of wars 3 Prey 2 Skyrim Aliens Aliens: Colonial Marines Alien Vs Predator Mass Effect 2 Mass Effect 3 Killzone 2 Killzone 3 Far Cry 2 RAGE Star Wars The Old Republic Star Wars the force unleased 2 I am Alive Civilization 5 Uncharted 2 Ace Combat assault horizon Terminator Salvation Resident evil raccoon city Resident evil 6 FEAR 2 Batman Arkham city Medal of Honor 2010 Prince of Persia Resistance Red Faction Dust 514 God of War Star Craft 2 Vanquish Starhawk Operation_Flashpoint_Red_River Tomb Raider Metal Gear Solid Space Marines LOL thats alot ;D :)