GMV47 Created under Fair Use Created using Windows Movie Maker Hopefully this was worth the wait. Better late than never? Enjoy! My Deviant Art Concept Art MUSIC Media Lab "Embers" GAMES Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 God of War Ascension Gears of War: Judgment Halo 5 Final Fantasy XIII-3 Splintercell: Black list Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Assassins Creed: Black Flag Mirrors Edge 2 Infiltrator (Unreal Engine Demo) Bioshock Infinite Metal Gear Solid 5 Deadpool Battlefield 4 The Elder Scrolls Online Killzone 4 Deep Down Remember Me Cyberpunk 2077 Injustice Strike Suit Zero Murdered Halo 4: Spartan Ops Infamous: Second Son Crysis 3 (One scene) Metro Last Light (One scene)