Join my Discord Channel to talk to me and other gamers: "Time to Say Goodbye" is the new song used for the new opening to RWBY season 2. I hope you all Like my newest creation. Also, this video contains spoilers to Metal Gear Solid III and Red Dead Redemption. Also, I am getting surgery this Tuesday (May 27th), so this may be my last new "video game music video" for a while (2-4 weeks, but hopefully sooner!), so I thank all of you for being so patient in the future. Until then, I hope this video game music video keeps you entertained! Song: Time to Say Goodbye by Jeff Williams Games: Destiny, Mass Effect 3, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, Halo 5, 2, Dead Space 3, Darksiders 2, Kingdom Hearts II, Killer Is Dead, Halo 4, Star Wars: Force Unleashed II, Titanfall, League of Legends, Infinite Crisis, The Witcher 3, Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth, Batman Arkham Knight, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Brink, Darksiders 2, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, J-STARS Victory, Infamous Second Second Son, Ninja Gaiden III, Final Fantasy Dissidia, Star Wars: Old Republic, Red Dead Redemption, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, Bioshock 2, Tekken 5