Here's the script for this episode so you can follow along: (Sorry it's not sing a long) Hi. Right now I am talking to you. That's obvious. What might not be as obvious is I am echoing the words I hear in these headphones. I wrote a script. I recorded it. Now I'm playing it back and repeating it. Voila. A poor man's teleprompter. You might be like, well what good is that? Who wants bulky headphones on a news reporter? You may be right. But I like to think that what is said is more important that what it looks like. Granted...I could have used apple earphones. Shoot. To prove that I'm not just improvising, here are the first 100 digits of pi. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706