Just thought I'd make a little song off the top of my head about Pi Day. The melody just came to me. Thanks to Audible for supporting WheezyWaiter. Get a free audiobook of your choice at Audible.com/wheezy I'm gonna get Life of Pi so I can (not) learn about the history of the number Pi. bit.ly/1kPWQv5 PREVIOUS VIDEO: bit.ly/1exTrJH NEXT VIDEO: bit.ly/N8chzK ______________________________ The Wheezy Subbable Page subbable.com/wheezywaiter And THE GOOD STUFF subbable page: subbable.com/goodstuff ______________________________ Buy some Wheezy garb? wheezywaiter.spreadshirt.com FOLLOW ME Tumblr wheezytumblr.tumblr.com/ Instagram instagram.com/wheezywaiter Facebook facebook.com/WheezyWaiter Twitter twitter.com/Wheezywaiter Google+ bit.ly/1h2LkbL Reddit www.reddit.com/r/BeardLovers/ ______________________________ Thanks for the wink, www.youtube.com/DARKROSE9090 If you'd like to send a wink, upload it to YouTube with the title "Wheezy Wink For _____" and in the blank put the title of the latest video.