Tips to select the right Engineering branch – How to Choose an #Engineering Course & Branch?, Tips

submitted by modinikhil on 11/28/17 1

Get the latest interview tips,Job notifications,top MNC openings,placement papers and many more only at Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Science or something else? Deciding upon the right engineering stream is quite tricky for both students and their parents. Most of us go through the same dilemma after clearing different entrance exams. Career options for medical and arts students are relatively clear, however, a lot of thought goes into choosing the right branch in engineering. Here are some tips which every student should consider while making this decision: 1. Go for a branch that is of your interest While we may say that scope for a field keeps changing with time, as we see new trends coming up every few years.The reality is, every branch has good scope and opportunities if you perform well in it.So it is very important to go for a branch that is of your interest. 2. Run through college websites and the course material Whether you choose college A over college B or branch X over branch Y should not be a random decision and instead be based on research on these colleges and the electives they offer under each course.Run through the college websites and the course material they offer under the branch you aspire for to make the right decision. 3. Work life after graduation It is critical to understand what kind of professional work is expected out of you once you take up a job.For instance, Civil Engineering means a lot of field-work and if you are not suited for that, you better not choose Civil Engineering in the first place. 4. Check opportunities for post graduation If you aspire to do post graduation, and have some ideas already, it might be a good idea to do a quick check on the opportunities for the post graduation. For example, if you choose to pursue Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering, you can do your Masters in Robotics, Automobile or Industrial apart from core mechanical opportunities like manufacturing etc. But if you do a Bachelors in Automobile Engineering, your options for post graduation become limited. 5. Job prospects While choosing your Engineering branch, keep in mind the job prospects related to that branch and the ROI it will give to you at the end of your career. Download our app today to manage recruitment when ever and where ever you want : Link ***Disclaimer: This is just a training video for candidates and recruiters. The name, logo and properties mentioned in the video are proprietary property of the respective organizations. The Preparation tips and tricks are an indicative generalized information. In no way, indulges into direct or indirect promotion of the respective Groups or organizations.

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