自らの手で技を放て! AR(拡張現実)で実現するテクノスポーツ「HADO」 その世界一を決めるHADO WORLD CUP 2017が12月3日に開催決定! 賞金総額300万円! meleap.com/worldcup/ HADOを遊べる店舗情報 meleap.com/hado/shop/ HADO is a new AR sports sensation that consists of equipping two wearable devices, a head mount display and an armband sensor, while seeing virtual objects integrated into real space. Players fire energy balls and activate shields to doge opponents’ attacks, all with their own hands while trying to score the most points within an allotted time frame. Matches are played with three people on a team for 3v3 battles. HADO WORLD CUP, which gained considerable attention last year as the first ever Techno Sports international tournament, will be held again this year. This time, HADO WORLD CUP 2017, hosted by meleap inc., will have a prize pool of 3 million yen. Whether it’ll be your first look at HADO or you already know about it, we urge you to witness the intense battles that will unfold in the world of augmented reality (AR). HADO WORLD CUP 2017 meleap.com/worldcup/ Location of HADO meleap.com/hado/shop/