58-year-old Kevin Spacey who is being accused of molesting Anthony Rapp when he was 14-years old Celebrity News - Worldwide Spotlight has just learned of some disturbing news from Hollywood again, this time the celebrity gossip and includes 58-year-old Kevin Spacey who is being accused of molesting Anthony Rapp when he was 14-years old. According to Anthony Rapp he met Kevin Spacey back in 1986 when they were both on Broadway. Anthony Rapp said he was then invited to a party where Kevin Spacey molested him. According to Kevin Spacey he does not remember the incident Anthony Rapp is talking about because it happened so long ago, he did say the incident might have happened, and if it did happen, he apologized to Anthony Rapp. Kevin Spacey was not finish his celebrity news gossip there, in a weird twist to this story he randomly came out and said that he is gay. Worldwide Spotlight was the first website to break this news to you, so don't forget to hit the like button and share this article. For more exclusive celebrity news videos and entertainment news stories, subscribe to the Worldwide Spotlight YouTube channel. Did you know Kevin Spacey was gay this whole time? Or you had no idea? Why do you think he brought up the fact that he was gay when the real issue was he molested Anthony Rapp when he was 14 years old. Leave a comment in that box below and I will be sure to reply. FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/WORLDWIDESPOTLIGHT1/ TWITTER twitter.com/WWSPOTLIGHT INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/worldwidespotlight/ Youtube CHANNEL www.youtube.com/channel/UC_B7XetZElu6AgUZie8luTQ Tumblr worldwidespotlightblog.tumblr.com Pinterest www.pinterest.ca/dantewhittaker/entertainment-news-black-celebrity-gossip/ Blogger celebrityblackgossip.blogspot.ca Worldwide Spotlight Celebrity & Black Entertainment Visit www.worldwidespotlight.com/ for the full experience