At a site in Crawfordsville Indiana, the consulting firm WSP was chosen by their client to address a large plume of PCE that resulted from historic dry cleaning operations in the area. The plume was fast moving, spreading through the downtown and neighboring residential areas of Crawfordsville. Since it extended below main roads and highways, protecting residential neighborhoods and businesses was of paramount concern. The consulting firm chose to partner with REGENESIS, who came up with a sound remediation design to address the site’s geological challenges. The remediation design developed by REGENESIS used the REGENESIS product 3DME treat the plume and promote degradation of the chlorinated solvent contaminants. The product was applied via direct push technologies on time and on budget by REGENESIS Remediation Services (RRS), a group of field scientists within REGENESIS who specialize in delivering turn-key remediation solutions for environmental consulting firms.