BC Parks is grateful for its many hundreds of volunteers whose generous commitment of time and energy helps protect the legacy of provincial parks! Hear inspiring stories from a few of them in this short video. Volunteers donate their time to a wide variety of projects -- from trail maintenance to educational programming, and from ecological monitoring to campground hosting. They do it on horseback, on foot, backcountry skiing and even piloting a floatplane to check on access to remote locations or deliver supplies such as signs for the backcountry. BC Parks has always benefitted from contributions made by volunteers. Much of the protected areas system we know today such as Skaha Bluffs Provincial Park near Penticton and Burgoyne Bay Provincial Park on Saltspring Island has been built in concert with individuals and volunteer groups. Volunteering on park projects provides a tangible way for the general public to connect with their personal passion and contribute to their community and park system that they value. Visit the BC Parks Volunteer Community: www.bcparksvolunteers.ca/