Help me make more videos! Interactive media has the incredible potential to deliver a wide range of immersive, emotional experiences, yet year after year the gaming industry seems to fall back on one underlying theme -- kill or be killed. A statistical breakdown of games featured in Electronic Entertainment Expo press briefings in 2017 reveals that 82% of new titles focus on combat as the core gameplay mechanic. Imagine all the stories we're missing out on because game developers insist on building virtual worlds we experience from behind the barrel of a gun or the blade of a sword. MY FULL STATISTICAL BREAKDOWN FOR E3 2017 CHART IMAGES AVAILABLE HERE: RECOMENDED NON-COMBAT GAMES: PATREON This video was made possible by support from viewers like you! If you’d like to see more videos focusing on the intersections of entertainment, politics and masculinity, please head over to my Patreon page and help fund this web series: PAYPAL If you'd rather make a one-time donation you can do that via PayPal: FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT Coming soon COMMENTS YouTube comments are held for approval due to harassment of this channel. If you would like to participate in constructive online conversations about this video, please share it on your social media networks, or join other supporters on Patreon, where backers-only discussion threads are provided for each new video. FAIR USE All multimedia clips included in this video constitute a 'fair use' of any copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of U.S. Copyright law, which allows for criticism, comment and scholarship. Learn more about fair use with this awesome app by New Media Rights! CREDITS Writer/Producer: Jonathan McIntosh Motion Graphics: Jonathan McIntosh Logo Design: Justin McIntosh Outro music: Jonathan Mann Help us caption & translate this video!