This is parts 2 & 2 of Billie Faye Woodard's interview. In this video, Billie continues her story about how she received her US Air Force Commission and came to be assigned at an underground base; her trips to Telos and Hollow Earth; her DD-214; the headband and its functionality. She brings in her father - Zora - for a visit by Trance-channeling him. He talks with us about channeling; his 'job' monitoring the north polar opening; global warming and melting ice at Antarctica; Agartha; Tibet; Lemuria; Lemur (a.k.a Nibiru, his origin) and its orbit; various aspects of living inside hollow earth; hollow earth food; hollow earth domiciles; the city of Eden; Dulce underground base; and, much more. BILLIE FAE WOODARD'S E-MAIL ADDRESS: This public-facing e-mail address was provided to me by Billie to be shared with anyone who wanted to write: DATE OF SHOOT: February 2, 2012 This footage was not intended for use as an interview. It was not my intention to be seen or heard. Footage from this video was used to create a pitch reel for a TV show. This was one story of many I'd recorded in 2012. Billie Woodard Interview - UFOs and Hollow Earth - Part1 HEADBANDS: I am NOT recommending the purchase of the headband; because, I don't understand how they work and why they affect me.. HOLLOW EARTH HEADBAND: