If you've ever wanted a bikini-clad barista to serve you some joe, here's your chance. Bare Beans Espresso in Kent, WA serves up caffeinated beverages with a little extra bang for your buck. This drive-thru coffee shop’s baristas uniform consists of bikinis, lingerie or (of course) pasties. How’s that for good customer service? ___ Check this out!!! ratedred.tv/youtube ___ For all of today's stories head over to: www.RatedRed.com Facebook - www.facebook.com/realratedred Twitter - twitter.com/realratedred Instagram - www.instagram.com/realratedred AC - Abby Casey; IG/Twitter - @acoutdoors JW - Jeff Winkler; IG/Twitter - @ThatWinkler PE - Paxton Elrod; IG/Twitter - @paxton_elrod RR - Richard Ryan; IG/Twitter- @RichardRyan ___