{International Women's Day} Honoring Women

submitted by jojocohen on 07/20/17 1

Did you know? • Globally only 50% of women of working age are in the labor force, compared to 77% of men. • Only one in five members of lower or single houses of parliament worldwide is female. • More women are victims of violence though less than 40% of them seek any help.  • By age 18, girls receive 4.4 years LESS education than boys and represent two thirds of the more than one billion illiterate adults without access to basic education. I don't write this to create more divisiveness and anger.  I share this because knowledge is power and informs our choices and actions.   It is time to unify the great divide, for all people, all beings, all races and religions. Tomorrow (Wednesday, March 8th) is International Women's Day.   And the theme this year is BE BOLD FOR CHANGE. In this energy, here is the latest episode of Woman Rising TV (I know, it has been awhile!). This is an invitation to HONOR WOMEN and TAKE ACTION. And offer prayers to ALL Women. SO... after you watch this: Here are some things you can do tomorrow. BE BOLD. Do something that is outside of your familiar and that will help women all over the world. If you feel called to donate, here are some organizations that are supporting women and girls around the world: Not For Sale - ends exploitation and sex trafficking  Bumi Sehat - free maternity and postpartum healthcare for women in Bali and Indonesia Women on Wings - helping women in India find safe jobs Days for Girls - provides feminine hygiene kits and menstrual health education  Place your feet on Mother Earth: Let her hold you and give you the energy and courage to BE BOLD. Gather with other Women: Share your Visions, Fears, Vulnerabilities, and Passions. Let yourself be Seen, Heard, Honored, Respected, and Witnessed Speak your Truth in some Way: When we speak that which is alive and present in our hearts, we create a ripple of change on the planet. Make that phone call you have been putting off, have that conversation with your partner, submit that Application to speak at an empowering event. And of course, HONOR the Women in your life. Celebrating You on this Day.  And every woman. With Love, Ameya www.joanneameyacohen.com

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