Leslie Turner, a retired primary head teacher, was paid £17,000 in compensation by the Irish Christian Brothers, after claiming two priests from the Catholic Order sexually abused him at school in Sunderland in the 1960s. Subscribe to The Guardian ► is.gd/subscribeguardian The church has not accepted liability for the alleged abuse. Turner, now 66, has waived his anonymity in a film for the Guardian to allege he was molested from the age of 12 by two Irish Christian Brother teachers at St Aidan’s Roman Catholic Grammar School in Sunderland between 1961 and 1967. Both priests are long dead, but he sued after being diagnosed with delayed onset post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of what he said he suffered. This is the NHS ► www.theguardian.com/society/series/this-is-the-nhs Guardian website ► is.gd/guardianhome Suggested videos: Samantha Morton interview ► bit.ly/1xbUZIG Guardian playlists: Comment is Free ► is.gd/cifplaylist Guardian Docs ► is.gd/guardiandocs Guardian Features ► goo.gl/JThOzd Guardian Animations & Explanations ►is.gd/explainers Guardian Investigations ► is.gd/guardianinvestigations The Global Migration Crisis ► is.gd/RefugeeCrisis Anywhere but Westminster ► goo.gl/rgH1ri Casetteboy remix the news ► ow.ly/TUqey More Guardian videos: We Walk Together ► bit.ly/WeWalkTogetherFilm Everyday racism - Akala ► bit.ly/akalacif Pretty Radical ► is.gd/PrettyRadical1 Capitalism is failing - Paul Mason ► is.gd/MasonCif My life as a female bodybuilder ► goo.gl/4U4jHt After Banksy: the parkour guide to Gaza ► ow.ly/TUpgj If I Die On Mars ► is.gd/IfIDieOnMars Revenge Porn: Chrissy Chambers and her search for justice ► ow.ly/TUoOs Mos Def force fed in Gitmo procedure ► is.gd/mosdef Edward Snowden interview ► is.gd/snowdeninterview2014 Bangladeshi Sex Workers take steroids ► is.gd/sexworkers Other Guardian channels on YouTube: Guardian Football ► is.gd/guardianfootball Guardian Music ► is.gd/guardianYTmusic Guardian Australia ► is.gd/guardianaustralia Guardian Tech ► is.gd/guardiantech Guardian Culture ► is.gd/guardianculture Guardian Wires ► is.gd/guardianwires Guardian Food ► is.gd/guardianfood